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External Advisory Board of Mechanical Engineering Program

Missions of External Advisory Board

  1. Assists the Department of Mechanical Engineering in developing relationships with the industry and business communities in the nation.
  2. Provide guidance to improve the Mechanical Engineering curriculum to respond to the emerging needs of the industry and business.


Advisory Board

Director, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory

Leonardo Professor, Mechanical Engineering, Stanford University

Department Chair & Professor, Mechanical Engineering & Materials Science, Yale University

Technical Account Manager, Bruker

Senior Research Scientist, Toyota Research Institute

Reza Abbaschian
Distinguished Professor, University of California – Riverside

Duval Johnson
Manager, NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory

Agustin Roldan
President, Sweep Energy

Bradley W. Scheer
Registered Patent Attorney, Schwegman, Lundberg & Woessner

Chief Technology Officer, Bowles Farming Company

Brendan Smith
Chief Operating Officer, SeekOps

Nicholas Walters
Mechanical Engineer, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory